Weight loss plan for the over 50s: Senior weight loss tipsSenior weight loss tips

In this diet article What Diet look at senior weight loss tips. If you’re over 50 looking to lose weight is there a different approach you should be using as against someone younger trying to lose weight? Your body is different to when you were younger so should this be reflected in the dieting plan you follow as a senior?

Yes there are some things to consider when entering onto a senior weight loss plan. Here What Diet gather some senior dieting tips to help you on your dieting plan and result in weight loss success.

Let’s have a look at some of the  main things seniors should know so you can get on track to diet progress.

Calorie Intake for over 50s

The first thing to do is to adjust your calorie intake to a lower level. Over 50s generally consume fewer calories.  There is a common saying that the metabolism slows with age and while this is true it is generaqlly not for the reason that many people believe.

The main reason why metabolism slows as you get older is due to the loss of lean muscle tissue.  If you have been fairly  active for the last 20 years however your muscle mass will be more and you will not need t reduce your calorie intake by too much in order to achieve weight loss as a senior. This is because you will have more lean muscle tissue and muscle tissue requires more calories to operate.

If you haven’t been exercising previously though then a slightly lower calorie diet is recommended.  As a rule of thiumb start at around 10 or 11 calories per pound of current body weight.

Also take into account that at this stage in your life you may not be as physically active overall as you were when you were younger. This will also be a factor in your total daily calorie burn requirement of your senior weight loss plan.

Take Nutritional Deficiencies into account

Another one of our senior weight loss tips is accounting for nutritional deficiencies.  Those who are older want to ensure they are consume enough calcium, iron and B vitamins.

This helps maintain strong bones and high energy levels.  In addition, make sure you take in a plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables each day on whatever senior diet you choose as these help to protect against some common diseases that can develop as the years go by.

Extra Protein is a good idea

Finally, it is one of the best senior weight loss tips to increase protein consumption. Many older individuals do not get enough protein. It is important to up your intake. This will help to further safeguard against lean muscle tissue loss and therefore helps to keep  metabolism higher long term burning more calories.

Also remember to have plenty low fat dairy as these are good sources of protein as well as calcium. For example, Greek yogurt, skimmed milk and low-fat cottage cheese are fantastic choices on a senior weight loss plan.

We trust these senior weight loss tips help to point you in the right direction.  While the general approach should still be quite similar to dieting plans undertaken by younger persons, making the few additional changes suggested in our senior weight loss tips would be well worth it.

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Photo credits Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What Diet: Senior weight loss tips