Diet weight loss calculators 
These diet weight loss calculators are for weight loss and diet information will help you to plan and achieve your weight loss goals. Input the relevant details in your chosen diet weight loss calculators and then click to get your results. Diet weight loss calculators are useful in working out the figures to help you make goals and to chart your dieting progress in achieveing those goals and reaching success in your weight loss targets.
BMI calculator (body mass index calculator) for calculating human body fat based on an individual’s weight and height to check it is in an acceptable range
BMR calculator (basal metabolic rate calculator) to calculate the amount of daily energy expended whilst at rest
Body fat calculator for calculating body fat percentage for women, men and children
Calorie calculator (daily calorie calculator or calorie counter calculator) for the calculation of an estimate of how many daily calories are required
Calories Burned Calculator to calculate how many calories burned in exercise
Carbohydrate calculator to see how many carbohydrates in are recommended for you daily based on your statistics
Fat calculator for calculating your daily fat intake requirements
Ideal weight calculator to calculate your ideal weight
Kilograms to pounds calculator another useful calculator for conversions when cooking. See also the Pounds to kilograms calculator
Kilometres to miles calculator for conversions useful for runners and other sports persons. See also the Miles to kilometres calculator
Ounces to pounds calculator good for conversions for weight and cooking. There is also the Pounds to ounces calculator
Protein calculator to indicate protein content of various foods
Weight Watchers calculator to check points in foods
Useful links
Photo credits Image: Matt Banks /
With thanks to CalculatorPro
What Diet: diet weight loss calculators