P of Celebrity Diets Celebrity diets plans

P of Celebrity Diets is for Celebrity Diets plans to get an A list body.

P is for…

Portion control

Do you find yourself dishing up generous portions? Do you have any idea what portion size should be? You need to be aware of you portion sizes for this celebrity diet to be a success.

Jessica Biel is a follower of the portion control regime. Reportedly when she orders meals in restaurants she sends half back. On this weight loss plan you can still eat things you like as long as you eat them in smaller portions.

Halle Berry also always keeps an eye on how much she’s eating. Ways to achieve portion control include eating only a third of your meal and then waiting to see if you get full. Often it takes a while for the fullness feeling to rear it’s head and b the tie it does the chances are you have overeaten already. Waiting to see how you feel and eating more slowly to achieve this is a good weight loss ti.

Also leaving a little on your plate adds up to excess calories being left n your plate rather than on your hips. Think about it like this. If you add up all those little left overs over a month how much would there be? A good few meals. So think of all the calories you have left out and all the pounds dropped as a result. The likelihood is you won’t even miss not eating that little bit extra!

“By having too big a portion you could be taking in as much as 7,000 extra calories each week. Remembr 3,500 excess calories is the equivalent of a pound in weight.

Try eating half of your usual portion size or serving up a smaller portion or leaving some on your pate. Wait after eating and then if you feel full, stop eating. If you’re still not full just have a little more and then leave some on your plate.  Another weight loss tip is to use a smaller plat and a dark coloured plate. It is said that eating off a black plate makes you feel fuller quicker!

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Photo credits Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


What Diet: Celebrity Diets A List