Calories Burned while Walking
Calories Burned while Walking
Walking is a great way for people all ages and levels of fitness to get in shape and burn calories
Health benefits of walking ![Calories Burned while Walking Calories Burned while Walking](
It is well known that one of the best ways to maintain good health is through partaking of regular physical activity.
Regular exercise has been shown to be helpful in preventing many diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
As exercise helps to strengthen muscles and bones, it can even decrease your risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
Exercise also helps to control weight. Walking is cheap to do and convenient as you can do it anywhere and anytime.
Read on to find out how to benefit from taking regular walks.
Walking to lose weight
You don’t need to pay membership t join a gym to lose those extra calories. Walking is available to most people anytime anywhere. Just get your walking shoes on and go.
How many calories burned while walking
Try the calories burned calculator for walking to calculate how many calories you burn while walking. Just input your details for an estimate.
You typically use 300 to 400 calories by walking 10,000 steps. For weight loss, aim for a calorie deficit of around 600 calories per day ie aim to each 600 calories less than you normally would in a day. You can find calorie counter calculators to help you here.
You may also find using a pedometer useful to see how far you actually walk each day and then build this up. You do not even have to set aside specific time for walking. Just use a pedometer to add up all the steps you have taken each day. It could be a walk to the shops, walking to the car or even walking round the house while doing some house work or DIY.
The average person walks between 3,000 and 4,000 steps a day. 1,000 steps is the equivalent of 10 minutes of brisk walking. To find out how many steps you take each day, use your pedometer. You can get a simple one for as little as £4.
To use, simply clip it firmly to your belt or waistband and it will automatically measure every step you take wherever you go. You might find that you walk almost 10,000 steps a day without even thinking about it. Whatever your step count, knowing how far you walk in a day helps motivate you and set goals.
Read more about calories burned walking
Useful links
Calories Burned
Alcohol calorie counter
Food calorie counter
Fast Food Calorie Counter
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What Diet: Calories Burned while Walking