
Calories in Kernels and Seedscalories in kernels and seeds

Free calorie counter to find the calories in kernels and seeds.

Calculate how many calories are contained in popular types of seeds such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and poppy seeds and the fat content.

Seeds can be a great source of nutrients and delicious when sprinkled on cereals and in cooking.


KERNELS AND SEEDSPer 28g / 1 oz unless otherwise stated                                                            CALORIES(kcal) FAT(grams)
Calories in Pine kernels 196 19.4
Calories in Poppy seeds 140 11.1
Calories in Pumpkin seeds 160 13.3
Calories in Sesame seeds 171 16.6
Calories in Sunflower seeds 172 14.1

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Photo credits Image: akeeris /

What Diet: Calories in Kernels and Seeds