Chinese King Prawns and Mixed Vegetables Calories

Calories in chinese King Prawns and Mixed Vegetables

Calories in chinese King Prawns and Mixed Vegetables
Calories for chinese King Prawns and Mixed Vegetables from the chinese.

It sounds healthy so is it a good choice for a chinese takeaway if you are watching your figure?

Check out the fat, carbohydrates and protein nutritional information for this chinese prawn and vegetable dish.

Calories in chinese King Prawns & Mixed Vegetables, average serving

CHINESE KING PRAWNS AND VEGETABLES Per serving                                        
Calories 295kcal
Carbohydrate 6g
Protein 8g
Fat 3g
Fibre 2g





King Prawns and Mixed Vegetables is a classic Chinese meal combining fish and vegetables in a light sauce. It is a good choice if you are dieting and need to pick a low calorie chinese dish when eating out or from the chinese takeaway.

The sauce is the basic chinese sauce containing soy sauce, garlic and onion. The king prawn and vegetables are added and stewed. As no frying is involved and the ingredients are low calorie this dish is one of the healthier choices from a chinese menu.

Vegetables added to the King Prawns & Mixed Vegetables dish will vary but typically include onions, spring onion, pak choi, bell peppers and mushrooms.



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