Losing weight myths facts

When trying to lose weight dieting is surrounded by diet myths. How do you separate the diet myths from the diet facts? Here we set about debunking the diet pop myths helping you see through the false diet stories to the Losing weight myths factstruth. Losing weight myths facts are largely based on rumours that circulate between the dieting communities for so long that no-one seems to know if they are true or false. The most common myth about weight loss and  dieting is to say you must eat exclusive food groups to lose weight. This is a popular diet myth that results in depriving dieters from consuming essential vitamins and minerals required for the body to function. A strong, fit,  healthy body is gained from a well balanced diet.  Read on to see the  most common losing weight myths facts uncovered and the diet myths debunked when it comes to losing weight.


Diet Myth 1: Only eat certain food groups

Wrong. Many diets advise you to cut out certain food groups or to eat only from one food group. This is especially true of crash diets for fast weight loss. Human bodies though cannot run on one type of food, they need a well balanced and varied diet in order to stay healthy. You need small amounts of fat, protein, vegetables, lots of water, carbohydrates and fibre to stay healthy. Even so-called ‘bad’ foods are required,  in moderation, so nothing should completely cut fro your diet especially when trying to lose weight as this will only result in food cravings and sabotage your dieting plans.  Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are  essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy and trim.


Diet Myth 2: You have to go without to lose weight

Diet myth. Women on average should have no fewer than 1,200 calories a day. Men generally should have no less than 1,800 calories daily. Rather than eating high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally eat as much fruit and vegetables as you could, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it would have no bearing on your weight!! This strongly debunks the diet myth of cutting down to lose weight! The best way to lose weight and the most successful way to lose pounds is to eat natural foods. Try to eat foods in as basic a form as you can such with no added sugar or preservatives. Cut out unnecessary fats. Just eat what natural foods your body requires and no more: you will lose weight quickly and easily and keep the weight off whilst staying healthy and living longer.


Diet Myth 3: You can only get protein from meat

This is another of those diet myths. Fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and oil all contain some amounts of protein. As will also be familiar to vegetarians there are other high protein vegetarian foods available including low fat cottage cheese and tofu.  Meat is high in fat and sodium as well as being high protein, particularly red meats,  so as a source of protein generally meat may not overall be the healthiest. If eaten excessively meat  is not good for cholesterol levels. Grains, oils, legumes and nuts actually contain more protein than some meats. An average of about 30 grams of protein a day if recommended.


Diet Myth 4: To lose weight, cut out the fat

Human bodies actually need fat to function properly as it allows the muscles and joints to work properly.  There are good fats and bad fats and what you should avoid are hydrogenated fats. Good nutritious fats can be found in avocados, olive oil and raw nuts.

Make sure you know your losing weight myths facts before following any in your weight loss programme

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Losing weight myths facts article by What Diet