Overview of the zone diet 

What is the zone diet? Here is some free information on the zone diet. The zone diet is based on a 40:30:30 daily calories ratio obtained from carbohydrates, proteins and fats respectively. The zone diet is also known as the 40-30-30 plan. Though there is some debate it has been shown that this diet can produce weight loss at reasonable rates.  The zone diet has been found easy to adjust to and has few adverse affects such as fatigue or hunger.

The zone diet is based on a proper balance of food with insulin levels neither too high nor too low. It is claimed that a 30:40 ratio of protein to carbs triggers this. Also if the body is in balance it sees no need to store excess calories as fat but will rather use such calories for energy in stead.

Foods on the zone diet

The Zone Diet recommends consuming 40 % of calories from carbohydrates, 30 % of calories from protein and 30 % of calories from fat. The zone diet does not actually prohibit you from any particular food group; however food with high fat and carbohydrates such as grains, starches, and pastas should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are the preferred source of carbs and monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil, almonds, avocados) are the ideal choice of fats.
Red meat: Red meat, such as beef, is permiited. Red meat means any meat that is red when rare and not white when cooked. Red meat is usually high in protein and fat but has no carbohydrates.
Whole wheat pasta: The zone diet allows whole wheat pasta as part of your recommended calorie intake of carbs. White pasta and other refined carbs are not recommended for the zone diet. Whole wheat pasta offers some protein and fibre which assist in making you feel full.
Tofu: Tofu is made from soybeans and is high in protein and carbs, with minimal fat.
Vegetables: Two thirds of your  meal should be fruit and vegetables. Vegetables are low in calories. They also contain both protein and carbohydrates. Broccoli is a good choice on this diet.
Fruit: Fruit makes up a significant part of calorie intake. It provides non processed carbohydrates and some fibre. Berries are low in calories. The zone diet advises you avoid bananas however.
Lean protein: Lean protein makes up about one third of your intake. Protein sources that do not contain many carbs such as skinless chicken, egg whites or fish, skinless turkey or low-fat cottage cheese are ideal.

How much can I lose on the zone diet

The average dieter loses approximately 8 to 10 pounds per month.

How does the zone diet work

Madonna, Demi Moore and Jennifer Aniston have all used the zone diet. Sears asserts that by using the Zone Diet you are actually optimising the body’s metabolic function. The zone diet is based on the balance of food to regulate insulin levels neither too high nor too low. It is claimed that a 30:40 ratio of protein to carbs triggers this. Too much of the hormone (insulin) can increase fat storage Through the regulation of blood sugar, you allow your body to burn excess body fat rather than to store it.

Our review of the zone diet

A good healthy diet choice but it may get tedius weighing or organising meals into the exact ratio required.

Good points

  • The zone diet focuses on good amounts of fruit and vegetables and is low in saturated fats which is good overall for health
  • If followed correctly allows for steady weight loss
  • Unlimited food to eat
  • No restrictions on most foods you can eat


  • Complicated and scientific to calculate the correct ratios
  • Restricts calorie intake meaning for some dieters it is difficult to maintain any lengthy period on this diet
  • Can be expensive to follow
  • Time consuming and inconvenient to work out the ratios and prepare meals correctly

Further details

The Omega-3 concentrate that started a revolution is still the leader. Dr Sears popular Omega 3 oil.

Books on the zone diet

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