Calories Burned Calculator Swimming
The Calories Burned Calculator Swimming calculates automatically the amount of calories you use up by swimming certain durations of time. Input into the Calories Burned Calculator Swimming the duration of your swim, your weight and the type of swimming you are doing and get the result of how many calories you are burning.
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise. It is suitable for all levels of fitness and all ages. You can undertake swimming at what ever level of activity you require whether it be strenuous activity or a leisurely swim.
Swimming is great for the body as it exerts hardly any pressure on joints as the water supports the body while exercising.
Make sure you get the right range of equipment to make your swim satisfying. Pick from a range of swimming hats and swimming caps and swimming costumes
. Mens swimming trunks are available by clicking here
. Choose your swimming goggles here
Ever tried Aqua Sphere Goggles? They are fantastic. What Diet has tried and tested these and found them to be the best on the market.
With a wide fitting goggle it does not leave marks immediately around your eyes. They are one piece and fit snugly over your face and last for ages. They are antifog. Although more expensive than the usual Speedo goggles they are definitely worth the extra money as they last at least twice as long. The mask versions are the best buy.
Useful links
Calories Burned
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Fast Food Calorie Counter
Photo credits
What Diet: Calories Burned Calculator Swimming