![F Plan Diet F Plan Diet](http://ws.assoc-amazon.co.uk/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=0140100245&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=GB&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=wedday07-21)
F Plan Diet
The F plan diet is a high fibre diet for healthy weight loss. It was created in the 1980s by British author Audrey Eyton, who is the founder of Slimming Magazine and is based on the work of Denis Burkitt. The The F-plan Diet (Penguin Health Care and Fitness) book was in the top ten best selling books in America in 1983. The diet is effective when followed strictly and remains a popular diet with genuine health benefits. Audrey Eyton published The F2 Diet
, a revised version of the F plan written in to take into account new medical discoveries, F2 claims to be faster and more effective and campaigns against low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet.
F Plan Diet Foods
The F Plan diet bans low fibre foods such as refined flours, breads, white rice, peeled fruits, cakes and biscuits. High fat foods such as cream or whole milk are also banned. Fruit juices are banned and fruit must be eaten whole. Permitted foods are all high fibre foods such as bran, brown rice and wholemeal breads and low fat foods.
How much weight can you lose on the F Plan diet?
You are advised to eat between 1000 and 1500 calories and between 35 to 50 g of fibre a day, which is twice most peoples’ fibre consumption. Weight loss is moderate to good. The F plan diet encourages a steady weight loss of about one to three pounds a week.
How does the F Plan diet work?
The diet works by restricting daily intake of calories to less than 1,500 whilst consuming above the recommended level of dietary fibre. The fibre has beneficial effects. The dieter feels “full” much longer than normal, reducing the urge to overeat and promoting a healthy digestive system. The basic principles of the F Plan diet are that fibre itself is low in calories, fills you up and takes time to digest so you feel fuller for longer. Also insoluble fibre passes through the digestive system untouched, has no fat or calories and cleans the digestive tract so you can eat as much as you want.
What Diet F Plan diet Review
Modern diets do not include enough fibre and fibre is important in the fight against certain diseases. However the F Plan diet recommends too much which can lead to diarrhea and bloating. A good tip is to only eat the amount that results in normal bowel movements.
F Plan Diet Pros
- Lack of dietary fibre has been linked to diseases such as bowel cancer, constipation, varicose veins and haemorroids
- By eating fibre instead of fats or sugars the body ingests less calories which should result in weight loss
F Plan Diet Cons
- Difficult for vegetarians to follow and almost impossible for vegans as skimmed milk plays a big part
- The F Plan diet doesn’t include any exercise
- Should not be taken by anyone with wheat or gluten intolerances
- Lots of fibre can deplete some vitamins and it lowers the rate at which others are absorbed
- Excessive flatulence in the first few weeks
- Having to eat food that is harder work to chew and swallow
- Constipation if insufficient water is drunk
Common misnomers for the F Plan and F2 Plan diets
F-Plan, F Plan Diet, F-2 Diet, F2 Diet, F-Two Diet, F Two Diet, F Too Diet, Ftwo diet
Read about the F2 Plan Diet–the new and revised F Plan Diet
Check out the F Plan Diet Books