FutureShape fat Binder

FutureShape Fat Binder


Fat binder to reduce fat absorption for weight loss

  • Reduce absorbtion of dietary fats
  • Reduce calorie intake
  • Reduce food cravings

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What is FutureShape Fat Binder?

FutureShape Fat Binder is a revolutionary diet supplement that:

  • Reduces calories absorbed from dietary fats promoting weight loss
  • Helps manage appetite and cravings so you feel like eating less
  • Has no known harmful side effects
  • Is drug-free
  • Has no added artificial colourings, flavourings, salt or preservatives
  • Contains certified organic active ingredients
  • Is suitable for vegetarians to use

It is made with Lipoxitral which is a plant based fibre made from prickly pear cactus. It is rich in fibre that bind fats without pharmacological or metabolic effect on the human body. FutureShape Fat Binder loves fat so you lose it!

Lipoxitral is used in similar weight management products that have been certified as oral medical devices. The safety and efficacy of Lipoxitral is scientifically substantiated.

How does FutureShape Fat Binder  work?

FutureShape Fat Binder works on the basis of promoting less fat absorption and less calories. FutureShape Fat Binder’s fibre complex, Lipoxitral has soluble and non-soluble fibre that help control calorie intake:

1. Eliminates fat from food

Around a quarter of dietary fat from a meal is bound by the non-soluble fibre component of Lipoxitral into a fat-fibre complex. The fat-fibre complex is too large to be absorbed by the body and so is excreted from the body rather than being absorbed.

2. Appetite management

The soluble fibre component of Lipoxitral absorbs water and has a bulking effect that gives the feeling of fullness and reduces the desire to eat more food.

3. Management of food cravings

Food leaves the stomach at a much slower rate when the soluble fibre component of Lipoxitral forms a gel that thickens the stomach content. This balances blood sugar and increases energy levels that help balance food cravings.

How to use FutureShape Fat Binder

Please refer to the official website and instructions on the product packaging for full details. Below is only a summary for illustrative purposes

  • Take two tablets twice a day, with your two main meals (e.g. lunch and dinner)
  • When having a high fat meal, you maycan take up to three tablets, three times a day
  • Take with a full glass of water

General Precautions

  • Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. For those aged 12-18 years, to be taken only under the supervision of a health care professional
  • Do not take during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding
  • Do not take if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is below 18.5
  • Not suitable for those who have any sensitivities to any of the ingredients
  • This product may have blood cholesterol and glucose lowering effects. Consult a health care professional if you are on any medication
  • Do not take within two hours of taking any fat-soluble medicines (e.g. oral contraceptive pill)

Frequently Asked Questions about FutureShape Fat Binder

1. What is FutureShape Fat Binder made of?

FutureShape Fat Binder is made with Lipoxitral, a plant based fibre complex from the prickly pear cactus. Lipoxitral binds dietary fat into fat-fibre complexes to help reduce the fat intake from a meal. Lipoxitral is used in similar weight management products. The safety and efficacy of Lipoxitral is scientifically substantiated .

2. Why should I limit fat absorption if I want to lose weight?

FutureShape Fat Binder helps prevent the absorption of fats from the diet and so limits the intake of calories by the body. As fat is the most calorific nutrient and concentrated form of energy, the less fat you intake, the fewer calories your take meaning you lose weight.

3. If I don’t eat fatty foods anyway will  FutureShape Fat Binder still help me lose weight?

Yes. The soluble fibre component absorbs water and has a bulking effect to prolongs the feeling of fullness. Also, this helps manage food cravings. So if you do not crave food, you eat less more easily. Less food intake means fewer calories which leads to weight loss. As it is rich in fibre, FutureShape Fat Binder also helps maintain healthy digestion.

4. Do I need to diet as well with FutureShape Fat Binder?

It is advisable to follow a healthy diet as well to get maximum benefits. For best results you should also include an exercise routine.

5. Is FutureShape Fat Binder safe?

Yes. It is not a drug. FutureShape Fat Binder contains a fibre complex obtained from a natural plant source. It helps reduce the absorption of dietary fats and so limits the intake of calories, whilst maintaining a healthy digestion.

6. Can I take Future Shape Fat Binder if I have a medical condition?

When in doubt, ask your health care provider. For patients with diabetes it may lower glucose levels which reduces insulin secretion. Diabetic patients may have to adjust the dosage of their medication. It is recommended that diabetic patients consult their doctor.

7. Can children take FutureShape Fat Binder?

It is not recommended for children under 12 years old. For those aged 12-18 years, please take advice from a qualified health care practitioner.

8. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take FutureShape Fat Binder?

It is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

9. Will FutureShape Fat Binder trigger food allergies?

If you have kidney disease or kidney stones, avoid taking FutureShape Fat Binder. Consult your health care professional before taking this product.

Click to buy FutureShape Fat Binder

Useful links
FutureShape Fat Burner
FutureShape Carb Blocker
FutureShape Appetite Reducer
FutureShape main page
Photo credits Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What Diet: FutureShape Fat Binder