Proactol LTD

Calories in cream  Calories in cream

Find out how many calories are contained in cream by using the calories in cream list below. This lists the calorie content and fat content of various types of popular cream like single cream, whipping cream, double cream and aerosol spray cream or squirty cream.

Cram can help spice up a fruit desert but make sure you go fr  lighter calorie variety such as half fat aerosol spray which gives the taste of cream but without all of the calories found in the heavier varieties like normal whipped cream or thick double cream.


CREAMPer 28g / 1 oz unless otherwise stated                                                            CALORIES(kcal) FAT(grams)
Calories in Aerosol spray cream 86 9.0
Calories in Aerosol spray, per 55 ml swirl cream 45 4.6
Calories in Aerosol spray, half fat cream 55 5.0
Calories in Aerosol spray, half fat, per 55 ml swirl cream 25 2.5
Calories in Clotted cream 165 17.8
Calories in Crème fraiche cream 106 7.5
Calories in Crème fraiche, half fat cream 47 2.8
Calories in Double cream 125 13.4
Calories in Half cream 40 3.8
Calories in Single cream 55 5.3
Calories in Soured cream 57 5.6
Calories in Sterilised, canned cream 67 6.7
Calories in Whipping cream 105 11.0

Useful links
Food calorie counter
Alcohol calorie counter
Photo credits Image: Toa55 /

What Diet: Calories in cream