Calories in Chinese Prawn Chop Suey

Calories in Chinese Prawn Chop Suey

Chinese Prawn Chop Suey Calories
Calories for Chinese meals of Prawn Chop Suey from the chinese takeaway shop and protein, fat and carbohydrates listings in the What Diet free calorie charts.

Also check out the other calorie counted chinese foods with the complete calorie counters for chinese take out and eat in.

Prawn chop suey chinese seafood and vegetable dish nutritional information appears below.

Calories in Prawn Chop Suey, average serving

Calories 300kcal
Carbohydrate 24g
Protein 16g
Fat 13g
Fibre 3g

Chinese born chops a week is a traditional vegetable chaps or edition with prawns added.  The prawns can either be normal prawns or King prawns.

Chaps or eight is a eat starch based sauce with vegetables added.  You can expect vegetables such as onions, bean sprouts, cabbage, actually, baby sweet corn and sliced peppers.

This is a good choice for a main course at the Chinese restaurant or at the Chinese takeout.  It is relatively low calorie compared to some Chinese dishes.


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What Diet: Calories in Chinese Prawn Chop Suey