How many calories in chinese Beef with Green Peppers?

Calories in chinese Beef with Green Pepper

Calories in chinese Beef with Green Pepper
Calories chart for chinese beef with green peppers from the chinese restaurant or takeaway.

Fancy a strong meaty dish from the chinese but don’t know what to choose? Chinese beef plus green peppers could be a healthy choice? Find out below.

Calories, fat, carbohydrates and protein listings for chinese beef with green pepper.

Calories in chinese beef with green pepper, average serving

CHINESE BEEF WITH GREEN PEPPER Per serving                                                  
Calories 375kcal
Carbohydrate 39g
Protein 28g
Fat 6g
Fibre 4g

Chinese beef with green pepper is a strong meaty dish.

The peppers provide some kick but this chinese meal is not overly spicy. Made with a rich meaty sauce and sliced green peppers this dish focuses on string flavours and is a hearty satisfying choice

This is a good high protein choice for those on low carb high protein diets.  It is also proportionately low in calories and contains some good nutrition in the way of protein and vegetables. Best served with a portion of boiled rice to soak up the meaty juices.



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