Calories burned swimming backstroke

Calories burned swimming backstroke facts and tips. Use the swimming calorie counter for calculating how many calories you burn by swimming backstroke for an hour or other periods of time.

How backstroke swimming tones your body

Swimming using backstroke tones the legs, arms, stomach, buttocks and shoulders. It also is beneficial to hips due to the movements used in swimming backstroke.

Calories burned swimming backstroke

Backstroke swimming burns around 80 calories per 10 minutes. It can be a relaxing stroke but when swum at speed burns calories quickly due to the wide movements made and variety of muscles used.

Use the calorie counter for swimming to see how many calories YOU burn swimming backstroke

How to do backstroke correctly

Make sure you look just above your feet and not right above you at the ceiling for maximum speed. Keep your head still and ideally with no movement at all. Push your arms deep into the water and form an “S” shape under water. Tilt your palms so that the little finger exits the water first.

Stretch out long to your full length in the water to lengthen the spine and open out the joints for maximum health benefits.

Common mistakes and injuries with backstroke

The answer to getting the tops speeds while using backstroke is gliding on the top of the water. If you have your head lifted too high your hips will sink, leaving you at an angle and slowing your speed.

Think of yourself as relaxing the head back into the water, tucking your chin in for a view of your feet.

Backstroke swimming equipment

Monitor your progress by using a heart-rate monitor to ensure you are training within your training zone. You need to get a waterproof heart monitor though!.


Read more about swimming to burn calories and the benefits of swimming


Useful links
Calories Burned
Alcohol calorie counter
Food calorie counter
Fast Food Calorie Counter
Photo credits

What Diet: Calories burned swimming backstroke